Corporate Workshop & Keynote Presentations
Fool Therapy
The Healing Power of Humour in the Workplace
It is well documented that laughter bestows benefits on many levels - physiological, psychological, and illogical - including stress relief, a boost to the immune system, and good old-fashioned joy. If you can find a way to laugh at your toughest problems, you are on the way to solving them.
This fun, thought-provoking session demonstrates how humour in the workplace creates an atmosphere that encourages creative risk-taking and increases productivity. It is based on the philosophy of The Wise Fool, which says: trust your heart, live in the moment, always start in hope, and turn problems into solutions. Learn profoundly silly, life-saving techniques that will help you through life's ups and downs by keeping you connected to your funny bone.
Managing Change
If We Don't Change Direction, We'll End Up Where We're Headed
Life is unpredictable. The only thing we truly have control over is our own attitude. Get in touch with your most flexible, resilient side and discover that through self-trust, intuition, and positive risk-taking, you can learn to turn problems into solutions and challenges into opportunities. Don't just survive change - thrive on it. This presentation is invaluable to those adjusting to downsizing, departmental restructuring, or facing change in their personal lives. Learn to "keep all your balls in the air".
Authentic Leadership
Masks that Reveal
Leadership begins with an understanding of self. Experience the power that comes from increased self-awareness. Acquire tools to help you access your ability to connect with, and "read" your clients and colleagues. Tap into your innate creativity, and ability to solve problems. Have so much fun, you don't realize the depth of your learning!
This experiential workshop explores aspects of your most authentic self through the use of two masks:
The Neutral Mask allows those who wear it to get in touch with their core being, their most authentic, intuitive self - their Inner Wisdom. It generates a sense of wholeness, and allows the wearer to experience the increased presence that comes from living in the moment, with absolute self-acceptance. It has often been called "meditation in motion".
The Clown Mask allows us to release our Inner Fool - the child we once were, that society doesn't allow us to express. Play is the source of all creative impulse. Rediscover your most playful, creative self, the part of you that lives in the moment, shoots from the heart, and thrives on change. Learn to celebrate failure, turn problems into solutions, and enjoy the healing power of humour. Laughter is hard wired into the brain, and is essential to human bonding, healthy relationships, and productive, innovative teams.
Intuition literally means to teach yourself what you already know. Wearing a mask is an ancient human skill, an intuitive process involving a complete trust of the body and emotions. Masks conceal in order to reveal, and thus help us to access our deepest wisdom and truths, our personal mythology. Discover your Wise Fool - your inherent Authentic Leader.
High performance companies around the world have realized that creativity and innovation are essential for success in an uncertain and volatile economic climate. Creativity is not a rare talent bestowed upon the artistic few, but an inherent ability that can be developed, and the creative ability of its people is every organization's greatest resource.
This experiential workshop:
Creates a safe, playful atmosphere conducive to the creative process and intellectual and emotional risk-taking that it entails
Explores how ideas are generated, by individuals and teams
Allows you to become aware of and utilize your Inner Creative Team
All workshops are customized to the clients' needs, and cover:
Leadership Training
Team Building
Team Rejuvenation
Creativity and Innovation
Humour in the Workplace
Humour and Healing
Change Management
All presentations are customized to the clients' needs. Workshops are one hour to two days.
““Wow! The neutral mask was a life changing experience - for the first time in a very long time I could remove the self-critical voice that was holding me back from becoming the leader and person I wish to become. I can’t thank you enough for your guidance through this journey.””
““The intro to clown workshop took me back to a time and place where life was full of fun, play, laughter, and self acceptance. After the workshop I found life less serious but more profound. Jan is an intuitive master. It’s impossible to not gain some personal meaning from this workshop.””
““The impulse to make a toy ‘do more’ is at the heart of all innovative childhood play. It is also the essence of creativity.””
““In times of widespread chaos and confusion, it has been the duty of more advanced human beings - artists, scientists, clowns and philosophers - to create order.””